
Christian Family Night Ideas - How To ... X

By Enzo Dupont, last updated at 2011-03-5

Plan a more formal lesson that includes games and lessons. Make your own writing using the Bible, or to follow a lesson plan prepared from one of the many books available. Browse through the heritage of the manufacturer "family" Night of the books or Kurt Bickel's "Fantastic Family Fun Nights" for some ideas for activities and lessons.


Spend an evening playing the sport of your choice as a family. Use the time as an opportunity to talk about teamwork and keeping your body healthy. Talk to your children from 1 Corinthians 6:19, which says that your body is a temple to God, to strengthen this exercise is important. Remind your children that Ecclesiastes 4:09 says that two are better than to emphasize the importance of teamwork.


Planning to watch a movie together. Choose a film that deals with a question that your child is entering. The movie together, then talk about it later. Discuss the choices people made in the film and how they might be the same or different choices that you would do according to your faith. Movies are a great way to introduce topics of your children might otherwise be reluctant to talk, like a meeting or intimidation.

You can also use games to increase your child's knowledge of the Bible. Many popular games such as Pictionary and Outburst, come in versions of the Bible. You can find these in a Christian bookstore.


Plan a family night around games. Use this activity to teach your children about fairness, being a good sport and treat others as you want them to treat you. Games give you the opportunity to teach your children why cheating is a form of lying and how to be gracious in defeat. Make your point by setting up the game so that it strongly favors a person to teach your children about fairness.

Many families are constantly on the move. Between sports practices, music recitals, scouts, churches and schools, it is difficult to adjust in time just to enjoy the company of others. Setting aside one night a week to spend together doing something as a family is important to strengthen your family and share your faith. Christian parents can incorporate lessons about life, God and faith in their family time with fun games, movies and much more.

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