
How Do You Delete Websites Searched From Browser

how do you delete websites searched from browser

Top 5 Stupid Things People Do Online!

Unfortunately, internet access does not come with a manual, or at least a flyer with rules on how to behave correctly and safely. Many internet users forget about simple protection rules or they choose to ignore them.

Here are the top 5 mistakes and stupid things people do online, on the internet.

Mistake number 1: Believing in anonymity

Internet anonymity is a myth for inexperienced users. Comments on news, articles or social networks are kept in databases and can be discovered by anyone that knows how to use a search engine. Even without revealing your name, the aliases you use can get ta reputation of their own.

Users who forget to log out before publish a comment on a blog do not think that, sometime, a potential employer can research their online activity before making a decision.

Mistake number 2: ignoring the importance of personal data

Sites that offer free access demand personal information. Their importance is ignored by most users, who forget that most websites will use them for advertising purposes.

Social networks are more open to third party apps who have access to users personal information, they analyze and forward them. Browser cookies are used by websites to optimize ads you see on websites.

Mistake number 3: Using a unsecured connection

Websites that really care about the safety of their users use HTTPS type secured connections. They are important especially when you introduce sensitive information like credit card numbers of personal address.

The absence of a secured connection is not important if you use a private and password protected network but when you use a public Wi-Fi connection, the data theft risk increases a lot.

Mistake number 4: Private information in the web browser

As users spend more time online, your web browser will store more details about searches. Users who use the log on automatically option are more exposed to risks when someone uses their computer for a online search.

In the absence of a password, the best solution is to delete the web browser history after each session. With a free software like CCleaner, all cookies stored on the web browser can be removed quickly and easily.

Mistake number 5: Not creating a backup

The FBI operation that shutdown Megaupload caused important damages to many users of the service that used the site for sharing and storing their own materials. Users who make the mistake of believing that their files are perfectly safe online will be disappointed sooner or later.

Just like creating a HDD backup is important, files stored online are safer when they have a offline copy. Even your Facebook account can be saved offline. Go to "Account Settings" and click on "Download a Copy Of Your Facebook Data".

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